4 Tricks to Supercharge Your Nutrition Without Losing the Flavour
Let’s be honest: not everyone loves veggies. But they are essential to staying alive and having the energy you need to thrive. Check out my four tricks to get awesome nutrition without even noticing.
Increase Your Energy in 3 Easy Ways
Of all the things that people in my meal plan subscription come to me saying they’re looking for, how to increase your energy tops the list.
I can tell you from experience that when you start eating whole foods and balanced meals three times a day, your natural energy will increase.
These are my best tips on how to increase your energy in 3 easy ways.
Smoothies: The Perfect Breakfast Food
Smoothies have become the perfect breakfast food for a reason. In one quick, easy package you can get all the food groups AND stay full and energized until lunch. What’s not to love?
The Joy of Seasoning
If you love food — but you’re not obsessed with it — you might find yourself becoming a little bored with your usual fare. Never fear, Kandice is here! And I’m showing you how to use seasonings to “spice” up your meals (see what I did there?).
Eating clean on the GO!
One of the biggest challenges with eating clean can be eating on the go. Check out this post for some of my tops tips to keep you from grabbing chips or fast food between evening events.
My top 10 healthy kid friendly meals
Kids can be hard to cook for — they’re picky, their tastebuds are still developing, and they have new favourite foods every day. Here’s my solution: my top 10 healthy kid-friendly meals you can make in under 20 minutes. There might even be a couple in here you’ll love, too.
Tacos: A delicious meal solution
There are lots of things in our meal plan every week that we think can only be served one way. Here’s a look at a super versatile option: tacos, the perfect meal solution. Discover just how many options there are for making this delicious dish your way.
My top 10 reasons to meal plan and prep
There are lots of great benefits to meal planning and meal prep, but I’ve put together this list of the top 10 reasons to meal plan and prep so you have no excuse not to try it. Check them out now!
Master 20-minute meals
Meal planning and meal prep seem like overwhelming tasks, but if you can master 20 minute meals, that’s half the battle! Check out my top tips to get dinner on the table faster!
Chocolate Peanut Butter Bars: My journey to a healthier guilty pleasure
Eating clean down’t mean giving up all your favourite foods. Follow along as I show you how I turned my biggest vice — Chocolate Peanut Butter Bars — into a healthier treat!