Self-care and self-love are concepts that are all the rage right now. Everywhere you look someone is posting photos of massages, facials, wine dates with their girlfriends, or getting mani/pedis and calling it #selfcare. Certainly, taking time for yourself to relax and have fun is important.
But for me, self-care starts a little more basic: it starts with your food. Meal planning and meal prep is about making sure you and your fam have enough food to make it through the week. It is also about making intentional choices and being mindful of what you’re using to fuel your body. When you love yourself and your body, you have enough love flowing to give love to the important people in your life.
Take control of your health with your food, your way
When you put good, whole foods into your body you are sending a clear message of love to yourself. You are saying that you want to be the healthiest you can be. Then, by preparing your own food you are putting your own love into it.
You remember a meal that a parent or grandparent used to make that was so much better when they made it. Maybe it was a soup that made you feel warm and fuzzy. Maybe it was a pot pie that filled you up and gave your energy. You know why it tasted so good? Because it was made with love.
By planning and prepping your food you are saying, I am consciously making decisions to take care of myself, so I can be my best in every part of my life!
WOW yourself in the kitchen with easy meal prep hacks
As you begin to learn new tricks, tips, hacks in the kitchen you will begin to see how amazing you are! I know that when I started clean eating at home, I was truly surprised at what I was able to achieve. I was a meal planning wiz! (And you are, too!)
Building your confidence by learning new skills and consistently using them is a pretty great way to make you feel amazing about yourself. When you’re feeling great, it’s pretty easy to want to spread the love around. Who doesn’t love hanging out with someone happy and healthy?
Get more time in your day with meal prep habits
When you first start your clean eating journey with meal planning and prepping, it can feel like a lot of work. You might not be in the habit of going grocery shopping every week. You might feel like you’ve “lost” your whole Sunday to meal prep.
It’s true. Learning new things takes time, but you will soon notice that it becomes second nature. One day you’ll notice that shopping only takes half an hour because you know exactly what you need (and your pantry is super stocked up!). Then you’ll notice that you start to look forward to your meal prep time as time to spend with your partner. And, most of all, you’ll notice that making cooking your food becomes easy and fast.
You’re creating habits every time you make a meal. More than that, you’re taking back your time and being clear about what your priorities are. You’re putting yourself, your body, and your health first, and that creates space for things that matter.
So, don’t skip the facials and the massages, but remember that the food you eat is one of the most fundamental forms of self-care. From a healthy body flows a healthy mind – and that leads to health in every other part of your life!