Fired-up Blog

3 Ways to Beat Meal Planning Perfectionism

3 Ways to Beat Meal Planning Perfectionism

It’s easy to look at social and think everyone out there is a super talented home chef who makes Insta-ready meals every night, but that’s definitely not the case. Our society is riddled with perfectionism. Here are my best tips to help you overcome perfectionism when you’re meal planning.

5 Simple Ways to Banish Kitchen Boredom

5 Simple Ways to Banish Kitchen Boredom

Everyone gets bored in the kitchen sometimes — it’s a lot of pressure to create a unique, yummy meal every day! So here are my top tips to keep things “fresh” in the kitchen.

Increase Your Energy in 3 Easy Ways

Increase Your Energy in 3 Easy Ways

Of all the things that people in my meal plan subscription come to me saying they’re looking for, how to increase your energy tops the list.

I can tell you from experience that when you start eating whole foods and balanced meals three times a day, your natural energy will increase.

These are my best tips on how to increase your energy in 3 easy ways.